Thursday, July 10, 2014

Two things

Hello! I am about to go on vacation so I will be disappearing for a while. Before I go, I will leave you with some things.

Thing #1 - My garden 

Mission vegetable garden is going s'well so far. Here is an update:

Basil plant has doubled in size! Huzzah. I removed aphids with the help of a bottle of soap and water. 

Tomato plants are getting tall!

Red lettuce is beautiful. Head lettuce looks confused. 

Cucumber flowers!


Swiss chard is also lookin' fine damn

probably not edible

Thing #2 - Cool composer dudes 

So while researching my previous post about cool lady composers, I also came across two cool male composers that deserve to be shared.

-Nikolai Kapustin <3

Kapustin, where have you been all my life? His music is an awesome mix of classical and jazz, and it makes my ears very happy. 

I think this is what love sounds like.

-David Maslanka

Also, how have I never heard of this guy? Holy moly. He writes a lot of really really gorgeous music for upper level wind ensemble

I've been listening to his music obsessively for the last couple says along with Kapustin. So far I really love his symphonies no. 4 & 8, and his trombone concerto written in memory of a famous flute player. Sounds like an odd memorial, but it works well, somehow.

'The Doxology' is quoted in symphony no 4 around the eleventh minute, and then it gets a jazz remix around the 20th minute. Epic. Also featured here - cool lady conductor!!

Well, I'm heading off to the beach.

Later gators! Pictures to come!

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