Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Well this is awkward

 Remember when people used Yahoo messenger? When was that, 2006? What a time it was to be alive. I remember you used to be able to send these little talking animations to your friends in the chat. I particularly liked one of a muscular, suit-wearing man who would jump up and say, "Don't worry - I'm here." I would send it ironically when I arrived after a prolonged absence.

I'm currently wishing that there was some sort of equivalent for modern blogging platforms.

Hi. This is awkward. I'm E. I took an almost year long hiatus on this blog. Sorry!

"But E," you must surely be wondering, "why did you abandon your blog for an extended period of time? Also, why are you talking to yourself in third person"

Well, dear imaginary readers, I recently finished my first year of university. University is wonderful. However, I also found that university takes up a heck of a lot of time. On good days, I had time for an afternoon nap (on a related note, I now love naps. naps are so great). On bad days, it was just a struggle to finish all my assignments and practising so that I could get to sleep at some point. However, it is now summertime, and I can blog once more! Hurray!

"So E, what have you been up to since last summer besides taking naps/wishing you were taking a nap?"

Oh boy! So much! I'm studying music education. I get to play flute lots, which is pretty great. I also learned how to play a bazillion percussion instruments, and the violin. Actually, I don't play the violin so much as make interesting noises on the violin, some more ear piercing than others. But it is an improvement from knowing nothing about stringed instruments!

I've made lots of lovely friends. I learned about music history! I learned about world music! I now know how to articulately justify my fondness of disco music. I had a TA explain to us how Beyonce's 'Love on Top' is actually brilliantly written. I learned how to identify chords by ear (useful for impressing little sisters by playing pop songs on the piano). I played a bass flute! I travelled to Chicago and played at Symphony Centre! I saw a crap ton of great concerts! It's been such a good year.

 (omg so many modulations)

"So E, why have you come back, other than having too much time on your hands?"

I do have too much time on my hands, this is true. I missed writing, for one thing. Another thing, I'm doing a French immersion program next month and thought it would be fun to document my adventures.

Anyway, that's it. How do people end these things? God, I'm really out of practice.

Too de loo?


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